Release notes

Here’s what we’ve introduced in recent versions of Keysticks.

Keysticks v2.14 – July 2024

This release ensures that the Keysticks Download Area can still connect to the Keysticks web service on (in order to allow users to share and download profiles). This is because the website has been redeveloped using newer technology.

Important note: In order to continue being able to download profiles from the Keysticks Download Area, please download and install Keysticks v2.14 (no need to uninstall your existing version). If you also wish to continue sharing profiles that you have created, please reregister your user name with the same email address (or create a new user account), as unfortunately, it has not been possible to bring across existing user accounts from the old system. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Keysticks v2.13 – September 2020

This minor release resolves a deployment issue which was preventing the Visual C++ prerequisite from installing successfully. The application functionality is identical to that of the previous version. Thanks to the users who investigated and reported this issue!

In the unlikely event that you get an error regarding the Visual C++ 14 Runtime Libraries component when installing Keysticks, the solution is to manually download and install the component from then run the Keysticks installer again.

Keysticks v2.11 – August 2020

This minor release is primarily to update the installer to be compatible with Visual Studio 2019 and to change the way the word prediction component is registered on install. Developers can find updated information on how to build Keysticks in the readme file that accompanies the source code. This release also includes the following minor enhancement:

  • The controller and keyboard windows can now be resized up to full screen width.

Keysticks v2.1 – June 2020

This release improves the automatic control set activation feature and the Activate window action.

  • Activation rules can now be specified based on window title as well as program.
  • The same control set can be activated for multiple windows or programs.
  • Activate window action now supports child windows as well as top-level windows.
  • Refresh button added to the program / window selection control.
  • Minor fix to ‘Type key’ actions: modifier options (Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Win) were being ignored if another modifier key was already held down. (Profiles P01 and P02 updated as a result of this.)

Note that some users are reporting an issue whereby the registration of the word prediction COM component WordPredictor.dll fails during installation (but they can still use Keysticks without word prediction). This may be because the registration requires Administrator permissions. It is possible to register WordPredictor.dll manually after installing Keysticks by running the following command as Administrator:

regsvr32 “C:\Program Files (x86)\\Keysticks\WordPredictor.dll”

If you installed Keysticks in a different location, update the above filepath accordingly. To run this command, type ‘cmd’ in the Windows search bar, right-click ‘Command Prompt’, choose ‘Run as Administrator’, click ‘Yes’ provided you trust these instructions, enter the command text, press Enter to close the success message, close the Command Prompt window.

Keysticks v2.02 – December 2019

This minor release upgrades Keysticks to use version 4.6 of the Microsoft .NET Framework, which was needed to fix a problem with the web service that was preventing users from downloading profiles.

Also in this release:

  • New action type for jumping the mouse pointer to a new location (relative or absolute).
  • New ‘Maximum action list length’ setting in the program options (Security tab).

Keysticks v2.0 – June 2019

The most important feature of this release is that it’s free and open source. Yes, we’ve decided to make the software free and to publish the code too.

As always, existing users are welcome to upgrade to the latest version. It’s the same software except there is no need to enter a registration code. However, this website will continue to perform registration code checking for any users who choose to continue using an old version of the software.

There are also a couple of changes in this release:

  • Windows popups no longer used for notifications when a controller window is open.
  • The word prediction component is now implemented as a COM component instead of a separate executable.
  • Improvements to the emulation of extended keys.

Keysticks v1.93 – September 2018

This release includes the following fixes and features:

  • Fix for an issue causing some DirectInput devices not to be recognised after applying a profile.
  • A new Message log window to allow live tracking of the actions Keysticks is performing.
  • Fix for a bug affecting the centring of the mouse pointer with ‘Control the pointer’ actions in relative position mode.
  • Improved sensitivity for controlling the mouse pointer with an analogue stick.
  • New options for ‘Control the pointer’ actions – to invert the X or Y axes, to use just the X or Y axis, and to modify the pointer speed.
  • Some minor user interface improvements too!

Keysticks v1.91 – October 2017

A release which fixes a compatibility problem between previous versions of Keysticks and the Windows Fall Creators Update. All users (especially Windows 10 users) are kindly requested to download and install the latest version of Keysticks to avoid problems. Please do not uninstall the previous version first – the new installer will preserve your settings, licence and profiles. Thank you.

Keysticks v1.9 – March 2016

A major new release which adds support for Windows 10 and some significant new features.

  • Controller support: use any XInput / DirectInput gamepad or joystick
  • Controller design: create your own control layouts, input mappings and backgrounds
  • Multi-player: have up to 4 players in your profiles
  • Import options: import controls and controller designs from other profiles / players
  • Auto-activation: activate and deactivate controls automatically when you switch windows
  • Quick-edit menu: more ready-to-use templates when you right-click in the Profile Designer
  • Notifications: option to turn on / off notifications

Keysticks v1.81 – April 2013

This is a minor update to fix a profile loading issue with certain international number format settings. Thanks to the user who reported it!

Keysticks v1.8 – April 2013

This version introduces a software updater and better support for international keyboard layouts.

  • Keyboard layout: key press actions dynamically update according to your current input language and keyboard layout
  • Treat as virtual key option: gives you finer control over how key press actions are performed
  • Keyboard templates: new alphabetical keyboard that you can add to profiles
  • Word prediction: now supports word prediction in over 50 languages and dialects

Keysticks v1.7 – February 2013

This version introduces the Download Area for sharing profiles with other users, plus a few extra program options.

  • New Profile Browser: lets you preview, download, share and ‘like’ profiles
  • Allow background running option: whether Keysticks can run in the background with the controller window closed
  • Disallow Shift+Delete option: blocks Delete key presses while a Shift key is held down
  • Rules for ‘Start program’ commands: for controlling which commands Keysticks profiles can run
  • Choose profiles folder option: choose where you want to keep your Keysticks profiles
  • Profile summary info: lets you say which game or app your profile is for and add free text notes

Keysticks v1.6 – December 2012

This version introduces some improvements for using Keysticks with your TV connected to your computer as a display, plus a compact controller window option.

  • Zoom option: lets you magnify the controller and keyboard windows (see Program options – Style tab)
  • Compact controller option: displays a more compact controller window that takes up less screen space (see Program options – Style tab)
  • Keyboard type filter: preview the available templates for each keyboard type when adding new control sets
  • Window positioning: improved support for virtual desktops extended across multiple screens

Keysticks v1.5 – November 2012

This version introduces 6 new action types for manipulating windows, starting programs and loading profiles using your controller. It also includes improved mouse pointer control with additional speed and acceleration options, and better support for button combinations.

  • Activate window action: switches to a particular window by matching on its title
  • Maximise / restore / minimise actions for the current window
  • Show / hide controls action: for popping up the controller window to remind you what the controls are
  • Start program action: for executing a command to start a program or open files and folders
  • Load profile action: for loading a particular profile, or a blank one
  • Pointer control: improved algorithm with configurable acceleration, plus fixed speed and absolute position options
  • Multiple button presses: better support for changing the controls according to which buttons are held

Keysticks v1.4 – October 2012

This version introduced “action strips”, new menu buttons, and lots of usability improvements.

  • Action strips: single-row keyboards for entering numbers, switching screens in roleplay games etc
  • New menu buttons: for quickly accessing program features from the controller window
  • Improved previews: for seeing what the controls are
  • Navigate and select: individual directions can now be used as keyboard controls e.g. left/right to navigate, up to select
  • New keyboard shortcuts: Del to clear actions in the Profile Designer and F2 to rename control sets
  • Message boxes: option to hide certain confirmation messages for slicker profile designing
  • Program options: separate options for showing/hiding the held mouse button and key graphics
  • Program options: separate opacity options for the controller and keyboard windows
  • Program options: new options to show/hide the title bar or footer in the keyboard window
  • Improved Minecraft profile

Keysticks v1.3 – August 2012

This version introduced support for emulating multimedia keys to allow you to control your media player, browser and applications.

  • Media keys: Go to media player, Play/pause, Next/prev track, Stop, Vol up/down
  • Browser keys: Go to home page / search bar / favourites, navigate back/forward, refresh page, stop loading page
  • App keys: Open App1/App2 (by default, Explorer and Calculator)
  • New media controls profile

Keysticks v1.24 – July 2012

This version focussed on improving the Profile Designer templates to make it easier to create profiles for games.

  • New templates for steering controls (like WASD keys)
  • New templates for shift-click and ctrl-click
  • New “mouse spring grid” profiles

There were lots of earlier versions before this, but it’s not that interesting to write about them.